
Starting in 2024 we will also launch a completely new video concept; the exact name and concept will follow soon. This will be a combination of on-demand and live video. The emphasis will be on productions with guests in our own studio (where we also record the podcast episodes).

The idea now is to put it in the form of a talk show, where we discuss one topic per video. The goal is to record as many videos as possible in English so that we can reach a wider audience. In our video productions, we will take the same approach as with our articles, analysis and podcast. We will produce videos of high quality and in-depth content, we are aiming for videos averaging 10 to 15 minutes, possibly even longer.

The videos will also always be accompanied by an article on Techzine containing the video but also written text. The insights from the videos can also be used for further, in-depth pieces in the future.
Our media kit will be updated as soon as we start this new video concept.

Videos at events and on demand

Organizations that would like a video summary of their event, an on-site video interview, or a customer story on video can still reach out to us. Every year we produce many videos on location for all kinds of purposes. For this, our editors work with a professional camera crew. They produce the video, our editors provide the content, and together they create a high-quality product.

Dolphin Publications

Dolphin Publications richt zich op IT-professionals en zakelijke beslissers. We onderscheiden ons van andere media op kennis, inhoud en diepgang. Onze redactie weet exact wat er speelt in de markt, hoe de oplossingen in elkaar zitten, hoe ze werken en waar behoefte aan is. Met een goed inhoudelijk verhaal bereik je de doelgroep veel beter.
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