
Our roundtables are a great success and much appreciated by the participants and our readers. An enormous amount of knowledge comes together, leading to valuable information for participants and readers.

What do our roundtables look like?

Our roundtables are organized with suppliers, partners and integrators. The editorial team chooses the roundtable's theme; we aim for 6-12 participants per table. All participants are active in the same industry. They can even be direct competitors. No prospects or end users are present at our roundtables. The goal is to engage with the participants from the end user's perspective to come up with the most valuable insights about the market, technology and best course of action for organisations. The goal is never to determine or compare who the best vendor is.

Click on the link below for an example of a story based on a roundtable discussion we organised:

Cybersecurity in 2023: Is it five to or five past twelve? - Techzine Europe

Storage is complex: think carefully about what you need - Techzine Europe

Roundtables 2024:

  • AI
  • Security
  • Privacy
  • Storage
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • NIS2

Dolphin Publications

Dolphin Publications richt zich op IT-professionals en zakelijke beslissers. We onderscheiden ons van andere media op kennis, inhoud en diepgang. Onze redactie weet exact wat er speelt in de markt, hoe de oplossingen in elkaar zitten, hoe ze werken en waar behoefte aan is. Met een goed inhoudelijk verhaal bereik je de doelgroep veel beter.
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