Lead generation

With our publications, we offer lead generation opportunities throughout Europe by means of gated content. These are promotional articles that create an interest among readers to learn more. Below these articles is a form where readers need to fill in their contact information. After submitting the form, they will receive a whitepaper or watch a video. The reader also explicitly needs to agree that they may be contacted by the company responsible for the whitepaper or video.

In recent years, we have developed a successful lead generation model. Many large enterprise organisations use our lead generation services, and our lead generation process is fully GDPR compliant.

We have focused our lead generation efforts on marketing qualified leads (MQL).

Lead nurturing required

MQL leads often only have one touchpoint: downloading a white paper. Chances are the lead is otherwise unfamiliar with the organization behind the white paper. Therefore, all MQL leads must first enter a lead nurture program after delivery. We are not the right partner if you want leads you can call immediately.

Dolphin Publications

Dolphin Publications richt zich op IT-professionals en zakelijke beslissers. We onderscheiden ons van andere media op kennis, inhoud en diepgang. Onze redactie weet exact wat er speelt in de markt, hoe de oplossingen in elkaar zitten, hoe ze werken en waar behoefte aan is. Met een goed inhoudelijk verhaal bereik je de doelgroep veel beter.
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